Graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering at the University of Ancona in 1992. In 1996 achieved the PhD degree in Structural Mechanics at the University of Bologna. From 1997 to 1998, he is post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Mechanics and Design of Structures of the University of Ancona.
From 2012 he is full professor of Structural Design at the School of Architecture and Design “E.Vittoria” of the University of Camerino where teaches classes in Design of Structures and in Structural Problems of Architectural Heritage. Previously, from 2000 to 2005, he was assistant professor, first at the University of Ancona and then at the University of Camerino. From 2005 to 2012, he was associate professor of Structural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Camerino.
Research activity focuses on structural engineering with the following main topics: soil structure dynamic interaction, innovative seismic protection systems, seismic behavior of cultural architectural heritage, steel-concrete composite bridge decks, construction phases of composite steel-concrete and reinforced concrete structures, prestressing with internal unbonded and external cables. Topics of practical interest have been investigated and research results have been reported in more than 240 papers published mainly on international journals or presented in international and national conferences.
He carries out consulting activities for advanced structural modelling and design, optimization of construction phases of bridges, design of base isolated structures and structures endowed with dissipative systems, dynamic soil-structure interaction, securing historical constructions damaged by earthquake. He was technical-scientific coordinator of lab LASIAD (UNICAM) for testing construction materials.
He participates in various technical scientific commissions (ECCS-TC11, IABSE-WC2, FIB_SAG6) as full member and corresponding member and carries out review activities of scientific papers for a number of international peer reviewed journals (e.g., Springer, Elsevier, Pergamon, ASCE, Taylor and Francis).
He is member of the advisory board of the PhD Course “Architecture – Curriculum: Industrial Design and Experimental Architecture” at the University of Camerino. From 1997, he has taken part in a number of research programs funded by MIUR (PRIN) and by the European Union (RFCS, H2020).
Form 2006, he has held institutional positions at University of Camerino where he was Vice-Chief of the Department of Design and Construction until 2009. From 2008 to 2011, he was member of the Athenaeum Research Committee and, from 2010 to 2012, member of the Joint Teaching Committee of the School of Architecture and Design. He was Rector’s Delegate for the “Monitoring and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the productivity of human resources and departments; national evaluation systems” in the period 2011-2013 and, from 2013 to 2017, he was Pro-rector for the “Assessment, planning and quality”. From 2017 to 2023, he was Vice-rector of the University of Camerino.
From November 2023 he is Rector of the University of Camerino and President of REDI.