Academic Degrees:
Laurea in Physics, University of Pisa.
PhD in Physics, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
Present academic position:
Full Professor and Director of the School of Science and Technology of the University of Camerino, Italy.
Jan 1992 – May 1992: Visiting lecturer at the University of North Texas, Denton (USA).
Jan 1993 – May 1993: Borsa di Studio INFM presso l’Unità di Ricerca INFM di Pisa.
Aug 1993 – Oct 2001: Assist professor at the University of Camerino.
Since Nov 2001: Full Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Camerino, Italy.
Author of about 200 papers in international journals, of about 50 proceedings and contributions to books; Invited speaker at many international conferences.
• Local coordinator of the project of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), CSN II, “HUMOR”, (Heisenberg Uncertainty Measured with Opto-mechanical Resonators)
• Coordinator of the UNICAM node of the FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN Project: cQOM – Cavity Quantum Optomechanics (2012-2016)
• Coordinator of the European project funded under the ICT FET Open Call FP7-ICT-2011-C entitled “Interfacing quantum optical, electrical and mechanical systems” (iQUOEMS) (2013-2016)
• Coordinator of the UNICAM node of the H2020 MSCA-ETN Project: OMT – Optomechanical Technologies (2016-2020)
• Coordinator of the UNICAM node European project funded under the ICT FET Proactive-2016 entitled “Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies” (HOT) (2017-2020)
• Local coordinator of the project of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, (INFN), CSN II, “Grafiqo”, (Gravitational force measurements in quantum optomechanics)
• Spoke 2 Manager of the Extended Partnership for Quantum Technologies “National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), and Scientific Manager of the partner and proposing body University of Camerino. 2022-2025